Essential Take-along Beauty Products

IV DripThere is a long-standing joke that women carry everything but the kitchen sink in their bags. For a lot of women, this is all too true, although there are always exceptions. A minority of the female population disdain to carry more than a small bag containing keys, a mobile phone, and a wallet, but these are few and far between. In most cases, women always find something else they can stuff into their bag that they absolutely need, such as pepper spray, extra clothes, perhaps a baseball bat.


One of the things that most women have in their bags is another bag, called a tote, which is mainly used to keep together make-up and similar paraphernalia and transported easily from one bag to another. Similarly, there is a tendency for women to get increasingly larger totes as their list of “must-haves” grows. But no matter how big or small the bag or tote, there are five beauty household products that a woman should never leave home without.


Sun block


It is no secret that sun exposure is a serious matter now that pollution and other human activities have burned a hole in the ozone. It is no longer possible to go out into the sun without the proper protection if you want to keep your skin healthy. It is essential to carry a tube of sun-block with sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or over. Choose one from the beauty product shop that not only has adequate SPF but also serves as a moisturizer and shine remover.


Facial Wipes


Women don’t do anything as inelegant as sweat, but they do perspire, and this is nothing that should be obvious to anyone. A well-prepared woman on the go will always have a packet of moist towelettes for a quick refreshing wipe before facing the music. Facial towelettes are multipurpose: it can refresh hands and feet and can also be used to prevent makeup from running by applying it before the foundation.


Face powder


Every woman knows that at some point, the facial shine will put in an appearance as sure as night follows day. To address this problem, a woman should always have face powder on hand. The shine is gone from forehead and nose, blemishes covered up, and the face smoothed out with just a quick pat and poof. Visit for more information regarding beauty products.


Lip Stain


Something that has become just recently popular but which is an absolute treasure is the cheek and lip stain. It is a product that takes the place of lipstick and blush, and comes in a tube in the form of a gel or cream. Makeup fades, especially the cheeks and lips, and this tint is just the thing to freshen it up.


Lip Gloss


Just as your face needs protection from the sun, your lips need protection from the wind and cold. Lip moisturizers such as lip balm or gloss fits the bill admirably. They come in a variety of flavors and colors, and looks gorgeous when applied.

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